Collision Welcomes Miika Sinervo To Their Drumsticks Roster

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A R T I S T / / A N N O U N C E M E N T

We are extremely proud to sign Miika Sinervo to the Collision Drumsticks Roster! We are thrilled to welcome Miika as a Cruise level Collision artist. Miika plays with 5B Collision Drumsticks. Miika is an incredible ambassador for the Collision brand and fully endorses our products, stating:

“Collision drumsticks are one of the best sticks I have used. I use size 5B. the sticks are high quality and really long lasting. I like how the sticks are balanced which makes playing easier and makes it more fun. the sticks bounce well thanks to the balance. There are many reasons to recommend collision drumsticks. durability, balancing, playing experience, price! choose Collision drumsticks, you will not be disappointed!”

Miika’s Collision Artist Page: HERE