Ossie Mair is guest facilitator for Remo’s Rhythm Wellness and YOU! Drum circle Tues. 2/16

Topic Ongoing! “Rhythm Wellness and YOU!” Tuesday Night Live Online Community Drum Circle presented by REMO Description Our next Drum Circle is Tuesday Feb. 16th with Ossie Mair from Om Rhythm Circles.

If you have not seen our Remo Drum Circle page and would to see a video of previous drum circles, please visit remo.com/rwydc

Fun and Rhythm for All! Join us for this online live drum circle experience from your home. While the online experience will be different, there are still lots of ways to connect in rhythm and play, so join us!

Need something to play? Found sound percussion is so much fun! Pots, waste baskets, jars of rice. Surprise us and yourself!

You only need to join one time. This is an ONGOING Zoom meeting, so save the log in information: it will be the same every week.

See you soon! Time Feb 16, 2021 07:00 PM

Sign up: HERE