Remembering Frank DeVito (August 14, 1930 – January 22nd, 2024): A Musical Maestro and Inventive Genius

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In the world of music, some individuals leave an indelible mark that transcends generations. Frank DeVito, a name synonymous with innovation, percussion mastery, and boundless creativity, bid farewell to the world on January 22nd, 2024. Surrounded by family in his Los Angeles home, Frank DeVito’s departure marked the end of an era, leaving behind a legacy that will resonate through the corridors of musical history.

Frank DeVito’s journey as a drummer and percussionist took him through the hallowed studios of Hollywood, where he became a crucial member of the famed Wrecking Crew. His extensive career in jazz allowed him to collaborate with icons such as Charlie Parker, Buddy DeFranco, and Frank Sinatra, showcasing his versatility and mastery of the craft. Transitioning into the realm of rock, Frank’s rhythmic brilliance graced recordings with the likes of Elvis Presley, Sonny & Cher, and Sam Cooke.

Beyond his prowess behind the drum kit, Frank DeVito emerged as an unparalleled inventor and creator of musical instruments and drum accessories. In 1970, he founded Danmar Percussion, a venture that would become the birthplace of numerous innovative solutions for musicians worldwide. Frank’s creative genius knew no bounds – if someone expressed a struggle in achieving a desired sound or faced ergonomic challenges with their instruments, Frank would head to his workshop, conjuring up inventive solutions on the spot.

Frank’s influence extended beyond his individual achievements. He founded Danmar Percussion, and as fate would have it, Big Bang Distribution became the torchbearer for his legacy. The guiding principles of innovation, selflessness, and creativity that defined Frank’s character have become the driving force behind Big Bang Distribution today. Frank’s retirement, though marking the end of an era, ensured that his contributions to the music community would endure through the hands of those who followed in his footsteps.

Frank DeVito’s impact was not confined to the studios or his inventive endeavors. His warmth, generosity, and giving spirit left an indelible mark on the entire music community. Through his interactions with industry luminaries like Remo Belli and Armand Zildjian, Frank fostered a sense of camaraderie that transcended competition, leaving a legacy of collaboration and mutual respect.

Frank DeVito’s journey began on August 14, 1930, in New York, and over the course of 93 remarkable years, he carved a path of unparalleled achievement. As he took his final bow on January 22nd, 2024, his contributions to music and invention remained etched in the hearts of those who had the privilege of knowing him.

Frank DeVito’s departure leaves a void in the world of music, but his spirit lives on through the beats of countless drummers and the echoes of his inventive creations. As we celebrate the life of this extraordinary individual, let us heed the lessons of innovation, kindness, and generosity that Frank so effortlessly embodied. The next time you find yourself lost in the rhythm, remember Frank DeVito – the G.O.A.T of drumming and a true maestro of the music world.