Monday Night Football Gets a Drumming Step Up with Cindy Blackman Santana

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If you tuned in to Monday Night Football recently, you were in for a musical treat. The iconic sports program has introduced a fresh musical anthem featuring the incredibly talented trio of Chris Stapleton, Snoop Dogg, and drummer Cindy Blackman Santana.

In a nod to the classics, this dynamic trio performed a reimagined version of Phil Collins’ timeless hit, “In the Air Tonight.” But what set this rendition apart was Cindy Blackman Santana’s awe-inspiring drumming skills. ESPN, in a press release, aptly described her as a “powerhouse on the drums,” and her performance lived up to that reputation.

Cindy didn’t just play the drums; she owned them. The song’s iconic drum break, famously recognized for its haunting, atmospheric rhythm, was reinvigorated with her unique style and accents, giving the classic tune a fresh and unforgettable twist. Her impeccable timing, energy, and passion for the music were evident as she took the center stage alongside Stapleton and Snoop Dogg.

It’s moments like these that remind us how music can elevate the excitement of sports, and Cindy Blackman Santana’s drumming on Monday Night Football was nothing short of extraordinary.

So, if you missed it, don’t fret – make sure to catch this incredible collaboration and relive the magic of Cindy Blackman Santana’s drumming prowess in the modern rendition of “In the Air Tonight.”