Mike Portnoy Graces The Cover Of The February Issue Of Batterie Magazine

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Batterie Magazine was founded in 2004 and is part of the BGO publishing group that publishes The Bass Mag (Le mag de la basse), The Electric Guitar Magazine (Le mag de la Guitare électrique), and The Acoustic Guitar Magazine (Le mag de la guitare acoustique).

About this issue:


In the world of music, there are characters so fascinating that they manage to exceed the popularity rating of their own groups. This is certainly the case of Mike Portnoy who, more than ten years after his ousting from Dream Theater, continues to travel the world with his many formations (Transatlantic, The Winery Dogs, Sons of Apollo, Flying Colors…), with the same thirst to push back its own limits in terms of writing patterns and other sprawling fills. However, like the progressive genre that has always aroused as much passion as hatred among musicians, the Portnoy case remains a thorny and divisive subject. After all, isn’t that the mark of the great?

Tired of being constantly asked about a potential return to Dream Theater, Portnoy quit giving interviews: “I’m sick of feeding these stupid websites, their clicky titles and troll comments. After almost three years without an interview, I accepted to play the game to promote the new album of The Winery Dogs”, he launched at the beginning of our interview, as if he wanted to dissuade us from approaching certain subjects. .

Batterie Mag and Mike Portnoy have a long and beautiful history of friendship and sharing in common and, more than five years after our last meeting (Batterie Magazine # 149), it was necessary to regain the confidence of the artist visibly traumatized by his bad experiences with a handful of journalists. And even if it is obviously a question of this third opus of the Winery Dogs, the drummer ended up agreeing to confide in the other aspects of his daily life and his career.

In the “prodigies” section, this number 199 also looks back on our recent meetings with the remarkable Mark Guiliana, who needs no introduction, and Roni Kaspi, Avishai Cohen’s young protege whose technique and expressiveness should allow him to to reach the heavens.

In terms of sections, we received excellent feedback on the appearance of our new columns at the start of the year: ENOUGH/DISAPPOINTED (Nicolas Muller), NOTA BATT (Christian Grassart), DRUM BUSINESS (Francis Seriau). Good news, the EASY LAWYER section is joining the party. Each month, Maître Florence Cottin-Perreau, a lawyer specializing in intellectual property, will focus on the legal issues specific to musicians, whose strings and potential impact on our careers are often ignored.

Good reading !

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